And Life Goes On……


Even though I haven’t been blogging for a while, life has truly gone on.  Which is why I haven’t been blogging.  Our little family has gone through some major changes in the last year and a half, but God has been at work through it all, and He’s been faithful to walk with me and get me through each rough spot as I climbed the mountain in front of me.  At times, when my strength failed me, He even carried me.  I am so thankful that I have a loving Heavenly Father to walk with me through the good and the bad that this earthly life brings.



Part of the changes that have my family has gone through is we are now grandparents!!!  Our oldest daughter, Melia, had moved out last year against our wishes, but out of the ashes comes a beautiful blessing, our grandson, Jayce who was born in March, 2016!  Oh, what a joy & blessing he is!  Our daughter & Jayce are staying with us for now, which has been wonderful! Jayce 0716


Pigs 2015

Last fall, we acquired two young Red Wattle/Yorkshire mix pigs.  The male was slaughtered back in the spring by the family that we acquired them from, but we kept the female, who was pregnant.

Piglets 0616On June 30th, she gave birth to 11 little ones.  We lost one due to mom laying on him, and then we lost another one the other day when he somehow managed to get into mom’s water bucket & drown.  But, we have not lost any due to any health issues, and we pray that we do not lose any more.  Soon, we will have a few for sale.  We plan to slaughter the mom in a couple months, but we will be keeping a couple of the females to raise for breeding in the future.  We’ve got our eye on a little male Red Wattle that’s just a little older than our piglets that we’re planning to purchase & raise to breed with our females.  We will be keeping at least one other one for meat for us.  We originally planned to keep two, but since we have lost two, we haven’t decided yet about keeping the second one.  We shall see.

Katie - Graduation 0416

Our daughter, Katie, also graduated high school this year!  Our homeschool graduation ceremony was so amazing!  I love how personal everything was!  And we are so proud of Katie & her accomplishments.  She is looking forward to attending college this fall to begin her education to become a science teacher!  She has such a heart for science & math, & she feels that this is what God is calling her to do.  Pray with us as we go through this journey – pray for God’s guidance for us & for financing.  She’s also enjoying being an aunt!


Our son, Michael, will be in 10th grade this year, and he’s getting to spend time with my dad, who is getting to pour a lot of his vast knowledge & experience into him & teach him a lot about life.  He’s also learning a lot about farm life & all that comes with it, as well as learning about all the joys that come with being an uncle!

Demo Work 0716Another big change going on here at MCH, we are also in the process now of doing lots of demolition on our property!  We have moved a storage building that we have to a new location and are building a new garage where the building once stood. But, that’s not all we’re doing!  We’re also going to be demolishing our current home & bringing in a new modular home!!!  Stay tuned to see what all we are doing!  I’ve been taking pics & short videos as we’ve been working, so I’ll be sharing some of those with you as I have time.

My life is a little crazy, especially with having a new grandbaby & now new piglets to care for, but I’m not complaining!  God has blessed us with so much!  I pray that we continue to try to honor Him & give Him all the glory in all that we do.

We have fallen off of the frugal wagon lately, but we’re trying to hop back on.  We need to cut back wherever we can so that we can accomplish all that needs to be done here.  So, stay tuned as we continue on this crazy journey!  I will do my best to share things with you in a timely manner so that you can follow along with all the laughter, frustration, & tears that come with all the changes going on.  Thank you to all of those who have waited to see a new post from me, and welcome to all of the new followers that I have!



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